
獵頭職位|北京|上海|深圳|廣州|天津|杭州|太原|珠海|佛山|寧波|成都|重慶|武漢| 其他
北京獵頭公司職位|工藝工程師(負責后段機加工) 10-12萬(wàn)
  北京獵頭公司職位|工藝工程師(負責后段機加工) 10-12萬(wàn)
  工作摘要 (Job Summary):
  Responsible for parameter and process seeting of CNC, Assembly, raw machining cell.
  工作職責(Job Description):
  Responsible for CNC, Assembly, raw machining cell and quality analyze; and support to heat treatment, X-ray.
  *負責工作單元、工裝夾具及相關(guān)工具的維護;參與支持新產(chǎn)品項目;不斷尋找持續改進(jìn)的可能;Responsible for maintenance work cell, fixtures and other relative tools; Attending and supporting GM Omega and JLR project; Identifying continuous improvement opportunity;
  *設計實(shí)施組裝和機加工工藝流程;開(kāi)發(fā)驗證更新維護操作流程;起草并持續更新工藝流程文件;Design and Implementation of process of assembly and machining; Develop, verify, update and maintain operating process; Make and continuously update process files;
  *負責生產(chǎn)周期設計、產(chǎn)線(xiàn)布局、作業(yè)指導書(shū)、控制計劃等;支持生產(chǎn)力分析和成本分析報告;Responsible for cycle time, layout, working instruction, control plan, ect. Support productivity analysis and cost analysis reports;
  *支持相關(guān)流程的品質(zhì)分析;Support for quality analyze for relative process
  崗位基本要求 (Job Requirement):
  *5年以上組裝和機加工操作及工藝設置;Experienced more than 5 years in assembly and machining operating and process setting;
  *熟悉工作單元制造和CNC設備;Well acquainted with cell manufacturing and CNC machines;
  *熟悉手工/自動(dòng)化組裝流程,機加工性能和金屬材料的熱處理;Familiar with manual/automatic assembly process, machining performance and heat treatment of metal materials;
  *能開(kāi)發(fā)合理化運行計劃及PFMEA 和控制計劃;Have the skill of developing reasonable operation planning and making PFMEA and control plan;
  *能制訂SOP及加工工具清單;有數控編程經(jīng)驗;Have the skill of making SOP and cutting tool list; Experienced in NC programming;
  *能設計工作單元、工裝夾具和量具;能完成設備選型;Skills to design work cell, fixtures, gauges; capable of equipment selection;
  *熟練使用CAD/CAM;Proficient in CAD/CAM;
  *熟練使用辦公軟件;Good MS Office operation skills;
  *英文讀寫(xiě)熟練;善于溝通,具備團隊精神;High ability for reading and writing English; Good skill for communication and team working
  *能適應倒班、跨區域工作和周末加班等挑戰;Be able to work hard in different shift, different operation area and standby service on weekends.
  *具備系統性解決問(wèn)題的知識,如6 sigma,8D,熟悉APAQ;Have knowledge for solve issues by system way, such as 6 sigma, 8D, and have more knowledge for APQP.
  *機械專(zhuān)業(yè)本科以上學(xué)歷;Graduated from university, the major for machinery.
  *能在余姚工作;Be able to work in Yuyao
北京獵頭服務(wù)咨詢(xún)熱線(xiàn): 400-6222-973
獵頭學(xué)院 企業(yè)服務(wù)
服務(wù)流程 熱點(diǎn)職位
  • 2000年在北京注冊成立并開(kāi)展獵頭業(yè)務(wù)
  • 《中國十佳獵頭服務(wù)企業(yè)》
  • 公司主要負責人曾任多家著(zhù)名跨國公司HRD
  • 有超過(guò)百萬(wàn)份不同行業(yè)的高級人才信息
  • 有北京市頒發(fā)的《職業(yè)中介許可資格證書(shū)》
  • 獲國際獵頭協(xié)會(huì )《優(yōu)質(zhì)獵頭服務(wù)資質(zhì)證書(shū)》
  • 中國人才交流協(xié)會(huì )理事會(huì )員單位