
獵頭職位|北京|上海|深圳|廣州|天津|杭州|太原|珠海|佛山|寧波|成都|重慶|武漢| 其他
CFO 國際工業(yè)物流公司 150-280萬(wàn)

CFO 國際工業(yè)物流公司 150-280萬(wàn)
We are looking for a CFO which has several years working experience in Mainland China in a Joint Venture company, trader or manufacturer.
2.Standard requirements
?An academic degree in the requested business field is required
?Several years of experience from working within the business field
?Experience from real project execution in China is considered very valuable
?Skills to build long term personal relations with customers, suppliers, employee, management
?Team player, loyal
?Fluent Chinese and good knowledge in speaking and writing English
?Good computer knowledge: MS – Office, ERP System, LN Lotus Notes
?Work according to ISO 9001, ISO 14001 -> job description
3.Job description
?Management of the central finance accounting 管理中心財務(wù)賬目
?Supervise monthly- / quarter and yearly balances監督每月-/每季度和一年的收支賬目
?Compile the cashmanagement 現金管理
?Deals with the bank處理銀行事務(wù)
?Guarantee the liquidity 確保資金的流動(dòng)。
?Support the order examination and management in financial tasks支持訂單的檢查,管理資金事項。
?Leads the labour領(lǐng)導員工, Guarantee that the bookings, balances, profit and loss account and financial reports. 保證預約,結算,盈虧賬目和財務(wù)報告。
4.Special tasks專(zhuān)門(mén)任務(wù)
?Coordinate the bookings and the payments of huge amounts, projects and investments調整預約和支付大額的資金項目和投資。
?Guarantee that the currency risks are minimized. 保證將流通風(fēng)險降到最低。
?Compile the financing of projects and / Customer creditworthiness.匯總財務(wù)計劃/客戶(hù)信用保證。
?Guarantee that the bookings, balances, profit and loss account and financial reports are according to the local law.保證預約、結算、資產(chǎn)負債和財務(wù)報告都是合法的。
?Make an action plan for cash return 做一回款行動(dòng)計劃
?Payment of supplier-and company 供應商的付款和公司付款
?Control the cash management of the whole company控制整個(gè)公司的現金管理
?Control all BU for the used cash 控制所有經(jīng)營(yíng)部門(mén)的占用資金
?Control the stock amount of all BU’s 檢查所有經(jīng)營(yíng)部門(mén)的庫存數量?

獵頭學(xué)院 企業(yè)服務(wù)
服務(wù)流程 熱點(diǎn)職位
  • 2000年在北京注冊成立并開(kāi)展獵頭業(yè)務(wù)
  • 《中國十佳獵頭服務(wù)企業(yè)》
  • 公司主要負責人曾任多家著(zhù)名跨國公司HRD
  • 有超過(guò)百萬(wàn)份不同行業(yè)的高級人才信息
  • 有北京市頒發(fā)的《職業(yè)中介許可資格證書(shū)》
  • 獲國際獵頭協(xié)會(huì )《優(yōu)質(zhì)獵頭服務(wù)資質(zhì)證書(shū)》
  • 中國人才交流協(xié)會(huì )理事會(huì )員單位