
  In more 10 years in the staffing industry in various operational, managerial, and corporate roles and in different countries, I have interviewed, coached, andtrained hundreds of recruitment consultants from all over the world. Though local differences must be taken into consideration, the characteristics that make you a top performer in Salt Lake City also work in Singapore or in Paris.Based on what I saw, heard, and learned, here is my quintessential list of the5+1 habits that make a top-performer in any economic cycle or market.
  1. 向錢(qián)看齊
  Work close to the money
  日常工作的優(yōu)先級會(huì )隨具體內容變化而彈性變動(dòng)。一通告知職位已招滿(mǎn)的電話(huà)、一封提出新職位需求的郵件就會(huì )把原計劃的每一分每一秒徹底打亂?!跋蝈X(qián)看齊”也就是給了你一個(gè)將最應該做的事以最合適的優(yōu)先級完成的參考提示。那么,就不斷的提醒自己“你現在做的事是什么?是不是會(huì )給你帶來(lái)收益?”
  We work in anenvironment where priorities can change many times during the day. One callfrom a customer saying the job is filled or one email giving us a new job ordercan change how we spend our time from one second to the other. “Close to themoney” is probably the best indicator that will tell you if you are currentlyworking on a) the right things and b) in the right order. Constantly askyourself, “What am I doing right now and will this action get me a bonus?”Think in a binary way: When the answer is “yes,” this means “yes”; “no” is“no”; and “maybe, not sure” is “no.”
  2. 細分并專(zhuān)注核心領(lǐng)域
  Stick to the knitting
  在我的獵頭職業(yè)生涯中,我曾大約積攢了有350位優(yōu)質(zhì)候選人,但是偶爾會(huì )接手相關(guān)度不夠的案子(“其實(shí)吧,這也不是我的專(zhuān)長(cháng)所在,只因為你是優(yōu)質(zhì)客戶(hù)我盡量嘗試幫忙”),總沒(méi)有好結果。
  Focus on your core jobs and core markets. It is here that you can make a difference It iswhere you have the expertise you need to succeed, and the most credibility withyour client and candidate. Don’t lose focus as it will most probably not workout. In my career, I have placed approximately 350 candidates, ?but whenever I accepted a non-core job(“Well, this is not really my expertise but I can try that as you are such agood customer”), I failed.
  3. 敏銳洞察異端
  Look for a) similarities and b) inconsistencies
  一些候選人會(huì )對我們撒謊。怎么辦?
  Some candidates are lying to us. The “safetynet” I use is what I call the “Lieutenant Columbo technique.” In one episode,Columbo says, “I always ask the same questions — but I often get differentanswers.” Make this technique yours by asking the same question againthroughout the process. If the answers are different (often on the last salaryor the reasons for leaving), this can mean that the candidate is not tellingthe truth.
  4. 時(shí)刻抓緊進(jìn)度
  Create a sense of urgency
  如果你的客戶(hù)暗示:“我會(huì )看看簡(jiǎn)歷,給你回電話(huà)?!?/span>
  你就回應“好的,什么時(shí)候我們再談?wù)劙??如果這個(gè)周末沒(méi)有打電話(huà)給我,我會(huì )回打?!?/span>
  Time killsall deals. It will always work against us. I see too many recruiters who arereluctant to set deadlines for their clients. Yet: we are paid to deliver aresult. Always go for a close. Explain why: “Mary, my candidate is verycommitted, but there are other jobs around. We do not want to lose her, do we?Whatever date your client suggests, shorten the process. When your client says,“I can see your candidate Friday PM,” answer, “Great, and what about ThursdayAM?” If your client suggests, “I will have a look at the resumes and call youback,” respond, “Good, thanks. When will we talk again? If you don’t call me bythe end of this week, I will call you.”
  5. 你的業(yè)務(wù)由你做主
  Control your business or your business will control you
  偶爾的驚喜對孩子的生日派對來(lái)說(shuō)是好事,但是突然事件反而會(huì )讓你的業(yè)務(wù)陷入混亂。
  Surprises area good thing for a kid’s birthday party. They are nasty in our business. Youmust be the one who drives the process, the client, and the candidate. Youshould be the one calling up the candidate to fix interviews, ask feedback, andmake the job offer. Did you ever pay $10,000 or $50,000 or much more for aservice? I did not, and yet this is what our clients pay. Do not ask yourclient, “This is what I suggest. Is that OK for you?” You decide the processand not the client. Asking your client to confirm the process is as if youorder a $70 and the chef comes to your table to ask how to prepare it.
  Best Practice
  不要過(guò)于嘴上吐槽一單業(yè)務(wù)。彼得德魯克說(shuō)過(guò):“成功的領(lǐng)導人(包括招聘人員)不會(huì )去問(wèn)‘我想怎么做’,而是去問(wèn)‘什么該做好’”那么記住這句話(huà)吧,不要總是問(wèn)太多問(wèn)題,而要積極完成與賺錢(qián)必要相關(guān)的事。主動(dòng)圍繞你的核心業(yè)務(wù)模塊去活躍人脈,與他們交談,了解你能為他們做什么,他們又能給你提供什么,挖掘出互惠互利的業(yè)務(wù)共通點(diǎn)。
  Don’t overcomplicate the business: Peter Drucker says: “Successful leaders (andsuccessful recruiters too) don’t ask ‘What do I want to do? ‘They ask, ‘Whatneeds to be done?’” Make this philosophy yours. Don’t ask too many questions,but do what has to be done to get the dollar in. Call and meet people in yourcore business and core market, talk to them, and ask what you can do for them,and what they can do for you. Understand what makes them tick and how you canadd value.
  Do it once.Do it again and again and again.
  最后想說(shuō)一下的是,或許許多朋友對于做獵頭有沒(méi)有前途會(huì )感覺(jué)迷茫,這里為大家分享了《做獵頭顧問(wèn)前途如何》,大家可以好好看一下。
獵頭學(xué)院 企業(yè)服務(wù)
服務(wù)流程 熱點(diǎn)職位
  • 2000年在北京注冊成立并開(kāi)展獵頭業(yè)務(wù)
  • 《中國十佳獵頭服務(wù)企業(yè)》
  • 公司主要負責人曾任多家著(zhù)名跨國公司HRD
  • 有超過(guò)百萬(wàn)份不同行業(yè)的高級人才信息
  • 有北京市頒發(fā)的《職業(yè)中介許可資格證書(shū)》
  • 獲國際獵頭協(xié)會(huì )《優(yōu)質(zhì)獵頭服務(wù)資質(zhì)證書(shū)》
  • 中國人才交流協(xié)會(huì )理事會(huì )員單位