
  Tony 30年的獵頭公司經(jīng)驗構成很有意思:來(lái)自于倫敦這個(gè)招聘業(yè)最發(fā)達的城市(據說(shuō)有15000家以上的招聘公司),在 Michael Page、MRI這些很有特點(diǎn)的獵頭公司工作過(guò),自己開(kāi)過(guò)獵頭公司,在全球38個(gè)國家開(kāi)過(guò)培訓課程。這樣的經(jīng)歷,使他在關(guān)于獵頭公司的見(jiàn)解上既有深度也有廣度。
  —— Charles 陳勇 (FMC 創(chuàng )始人,《大獵論道》第一任主編)
  I have spent more than 30 years in recruitment and recruitment consultancy and training and have worked with many of the worlds' most respected recruitment companies in 38 countries where I work with a diverse portfolio of leaders and business owners in recruitment - across markets and sectors - to help them grow their businesses through learning and development.
  Additionally,I was worked in Michael Page when I joined in recruitment industry. In 1996 I founded my own recruitment company which was a multi-award winning office of the MRI International network.
  補充一點(diǎn),我邁入獵頭公司職業(yè)生涯的第一步,是加入了Michael Page(米高蒲志)公司。在1996年,我成立了自己的獵頭公司,作為MRI的加盟公司之一,曾經(jīng)榮獲多個(gè)獎項。
  The international recruitment market,has been facing up to threats and challenges from all quarters ; the Western economies have been suffering from a prolonged period of negative economic growth which has led to the development of internal recruitment teams, RPO and BPO, increased downward fee pressure and more competition for fewer roles. Additional challenges have been presented by client's use of sophisticated Applicant Tracking Software and the growth of LinkedIn.
  The Chinese recruitment market may be relatively immature, but it is fuelled by ambitious, competitive individuals, who, in my experience are hungry to learn from others success. However, despite a period of economic growth this is a very competitive landscape for recruiters who are increasingly facing the same threats as my international clients, but also an explosive growth in internal competition from new recruitment companies (c. 12,000 5 years ago to c. 20,000 today)。
  So, whilst the Chinese recruitment marketplace is truly unique it is also exactly the same!
  I've been lucky enough to work with and learn from exceptional organisations, high-performing recruitment consultants and some of the most inspired leaders in the recruitment industry. These types of organisations have enduring track records and demonstrate that no matter how challenging market conditions are there is ample opportunity for recruiters worldwide to build and grow successful recruitment organisations and remain more relevant than ever into the future.
  我有幸曾與獵頭公司業(yè)界非常杰出的組織、高效的顧問(wèn)及一些極富創(chuàng )造力的領(lǐng)導者們共事并向他們學(xué)習。這類(lèi)組織用持續保持的業(yè)績(jì)記錄,展示出無(wú)論市場(chǎng)條件多么的充滿(mǎn)挑戰,對于世界各地的獵頭公司而言,仍然有足夠的機會(huì )去建立及發(fā)展成功的獵頭公司組織。在未來(lái),讓他們致勝的這種能力將會(huì )更加得以凸顯。
  How are these truly unique businesses also exactly the same? I've identified eight traits that enduring and successful recruitment individuals and organisations seem to share, they are:
 ?。ㄒ唬?SUPER BRAND 超凡的品牌
 ?。ǘ?SCIENTIFIC & SYSTEMATIC 科學(xué)性和系統性
 ?。ㄈ?SPECIALIST 專(zhuān)注
 ?。ㄋ模?SALES FIRST 銷(xiāo)售優(yōu)先
 ?。ㄎ澹?SELECTIVE 精于挑選
 ?。ㄆ撸?SMART 聰明
 ?。ò耍?SIMPLE 簡(jiǎn)潔
 ?。ㄒ唬㏒UPER BRAND 超凡的品牌
  The most successful recruitment businesses, large and small, have a strong sense of self – an enduring Vision which is articulated up and down the organisation and underpinned by a set of values that drive the culture and behaviour of the organisation.
  無(wú)論規模大還是小,最成功的獵頭公司都具有強烈的自我意識 —— 一種持久的愿景,這種愿景從上至下串聯(lián)著(zhù)整個(gè)組織, 以一整套的價(jià)值觀(guān)作為基石,驅動(dòng)著(zhù)組織的文化和行為。
  Businesses that focus on building a Super Brand know that you don't necessarily have to be world sized to be world class, but you do have to have a big Vision and a clear sense of who you are and what you stand for.
  Set the vision and communicate it over and over again – internally and externally – the best recruiters and recruitment businesses leave their clients and candidates in no doubt as to their differentiators (what makes us different? what makes us better?) and their Value Add.
 ?。ǘ㏒CIENTIFIC & SYSTEMATIC 科學(xué)性和系統性
  The most successful recruitment organisations leave nothing to chance. They recognise that a well structured, robust, and systematic approach to the recruitment process is the way to deliver professional and consistent results to Clients, Candidates and Consultants.
  World class recruitment companies adopt robust and scientific processes in every aspect of the business:
  世界頂級的獵頭公司會(huì )將穩健、科學(xué)的流程應用于方方面面:
  Recruitment Process : formalising a step by step methodology that delivers results over and over again.
  Hiring &Retention : potential consultants are interviewed in the same way every time , from first contact to Induction and On-boarding.
  Technology: best practice in the place of technology is embedded into the recruitment process , but supports rather than drives the recruiters.
  Training: Consultants benefit from a formalised induction and ongoing trainingprogramme – ensuring early success and long term retention.
  Measuring Success: Easily measureable Key Performance Indicators are the cornerstone of all top recruitment businesses where they are thought of as 'Success Ratios' versus policing tool. Activity against KPIs is recognised, but commission, rewards and remuneration packages are not tied to this.
 ?。ㄈ㏒PECIALIST 專(zhuān)注
  In the last few years in the West the growth of LinkedIn in combination with tough trading conditions accelerated the drive for cost savings and the proliferation of internal recruitment teams, RPO and BPO. In difficult market conditions this shake-up has hit the low cost, high volume recruiters the hardest; typically these recruiters have been dependent on technology to provide leads and candidates and they are now competing on speed of clicks with an army of recruiters working on even lower margins.
  在西方,過(guò)去幾年來(lái),隨著(zhù)LinkedIn的發(fā)展加之貿易環(huán)境的艱難,加速了對壓縮成本的驅動(dòng),催生了內部招聘團隊、 RPO以及BPO模式。在艱難的市場(chǎng)條件下,這些沖擊讓那些做“低成本大批量”模式的獵頭公司雪上加霜,通常這類(lèi)獵頭公司依賴(lài)于用科技提供招聘方向與候選人,而現在,他們則需要與來(lái)自利潤率更低的同樣依靠“網(wǎng)絡(luò )+鼠標”的獵頭公司大軍比賽速度。
  Clients, and in particular, their Line Managers are waking up to the fact that whilst 'click' recruitment methods may fill the easy positions, for time sensitive, leadership and specialist roles these methods simply do not work.
  客戶(hù),尤其是用人部門(mén)的經(jīng)理們,逐漸意識到一個(gè)事實(shí):用“網(wǎng)絡(luò )+鼠標”的招聘渠道可以找到一些簡(jiǎn)單的職位,但如果是那些時(shí)間緊急的、管理層級的,以及專(zhuān)業(yè)性強的職位,這種方式則不管用。
  Add in the additional pressures of an economic recovery and a return to “he War for Talent” where candidates with specialist and desirable skills are in high demand and short supply - and this creates an ideal environment for those recruitment businesses , no matter what size, who are niche and specialist.
  經(jīng)濟復蘇及回暖也為“人才爭奪戰”帶來(lái)了額外的壓力,導致有專(zhuān)長(cháng)及市場(chǎng)所需能力的候選人供不應求,這為那些有專(zhuān)注行業(yè)和細分市場(chǎng)的獵頭公司,無(wú)論規模大還是小,創(chuàng )造了理想的發(fā)展環(huán)境。
  This is as true here in China as it is in more mature recruitment environments, one of the greatest inhibitors of continued growth will be access to skilled and highly qualified candidates.
  No matter what the competitive landscape there will always be a place for specialist recruitment expertise, what we used to call the'bricks' recruiters, those organisations who have a more highly trained work force with a well developed tool kit of'old fashioned'recruitment expertise, who are knowledge workers and who work the 10 – 15% of positions that will never be filled by the low cost, mass market providers.
  無(wú)論在怎樣的競爭環(huán)境下,總能有專(zhuān)注某個(gè)領(lǐng)域的獵頭公司的位置,我們習慣稱(chēng)他們?yōu)椤芭膊蛔叩拇u頭”。如果獵頭公司擁有那些:訓練有素的、掌握著(zhù)“過(guò)時(shí)”的招聘技能的獵頭公司,知識型員工,以及能將10~15%的時(shí)間投入到職位找尋上的獵頭公司們,他們將永遠不會(huì )被那些低成本的大量供應商所取代。
 ?。ㄋ模㏒ALES FIRST 銷(xiāo)售第一
  Market leaders in recruitment here and internationally are those businesses that are single minded about business development – making sales their first priority every day. These are organisations where a sales culture is a source of pride, and where business development activity is never allowed to drop below 50% of commercial time.
  In China and elsewhere I have seen too many businesses that are bottom heavy, where recruiters with a business development or even a 360 degree skill set are in the minority and as a result the business is dependent on too few accounts. This poses a massive (potentially fatal) risk to that business when markets slow or a key client has a hiring freeze.
  In China I have witnessed manybusiness leaders reluctant to push their consultants too hard, or train them to business develop fearing that they may leave because they don't like to be pushed to business develop or, worse, if they have 360 skills they may leave and take clients with them. Guess what? I've witnessed this same pattern wherever I have trained!
  在中國我目睹了許多獵頭公司的領(lǐng)導不太敢對顧問(wèn)們施加壓力,或者對如何開(kāi)發(fā)客戶(hù)給予培訓,害怕顧問(wèn)們會(huì )因為被逼著(zhù)開(kāi)發(fā)客戶(hù)而離開(kāi),更糟糕的是,如果是360度顧問(wèn),他們還可能帶走客戶(hù)。你猜怎么著(zhù)?我在所有我培訓過(guò)的地方都目睹過(guò)類(lèi)似的情形。
  Leading recruitment businesses never reduce their emphasis on sales and new business development and when hiring consultants the number one criteria is a sales profile.Successful recruitment owners protect their businesses by ensuring they have a majority of 360 degree recruiters in their business, and by training and supporting those recruiters well.
  They also protect their businesses by ensuring that each client relationship is a business to business relationship rather than dependent on one individual. They meet each client, and establishtheir entire organisation as the solution by making the client aware of the resources, team and Super Brand that stand behind any one salesperson.
 ?。ㄎ澹㏒ELECTIVE 精于挑選
  Because winning recruitment businesses are Sales First and are single-mindedly focussed on continuous business development they can afford to be extremely selective. These businesses and their recruiters do not spin their wheels or waste their time partnering with clients that don't respect their place in the process, or on poorly qualified or unrealistic Job orders.
  由于成功的獵頭公司是“銷(xiāo)售第一”且心無(wú)旁騖的專(zhuān)注在持續的業(yè)務(wù)拓展上的,這樣他們就可以對客戶(hù)相對有選擇性的挑選。這 些公司及他們的獵頭公司人員不會(huì )對在招聘流程中不尊重他們的、資質(zhì)不佳的,或者對職位抱有不切實(shí)際的需求的客戶(hù)身上浪費時(shí)間。
  The best recruiters are selective about the candidate's they work with - only representing those who demonstrate mutual respect, are fully co-operative , realistic in their expectations and have skills and experience that are in demand in the marketplace.
  最好的獵頭公司會(huì )挑選與他們合作的候選者——為那些能彼此尊重、完全配合、對未來(lái)的期望切合實(shí)際并且具有市場(chǎng)所需能力和經(jīng)驗的候選人而代言。
  They recognise that to be anything other than highly selective is a poor investment of their commercial time.
  Leading recruitment businesses are extremely selective in the people they hire, and are not afraid to remove toxicity, to fire those that don't support the Super Brand, are unable or unwilling to be Sales First or who don' t support their vision and goals.
 ?。㏒UCCESSION PLAN 接班人計劃
  The best recruitment companies, large or small are those that recognise the development needs of their recruiters and that invest in training and development, - in particular investing in their next layer of leaders and supporting them with robust management systems.
  Here and at home, over and again, I see good recruiters 'promoted' to Team Leader without being giving adequate support with the transition – and, let's be clear, top recruiters don't always make the best managers!
  無(wú)論在哪里,我總是能看到優(yōu)秀的獵頭公司被“晉升”成團隊領(lǐng)導,卻沒(méi)有給到幫助他們順利過(guò)渡的足夠的支持——老實(shí)說(shuō),頂級獵頭公司通常不會(huì )是一名優(yōu)秀的管理者。
  Identifying those individuals who can balance desk performance with management is not easy, but putting robust Scientific and Systematic processes that support replication of successful habits is very achievable and aids retention of good recruiters – the top businesses know this.
 ?。ㄆ撸㏒MART 聰明
  Smart recruitment businesses judge their success on profit not size, they understand that bigger is not necessarily best; they choose to work smart not hard, they have a clear vision, invest in their brand, their systems and above all else their people.
  They put planning for success at the heart of the business, and empower their recruiters to be focussed in their daily activity by building a super brand, being scientific and systematic in their operations. They know that being specialist knowledge workers who put sales first allows them to be commercially selective -which all adds up to working Smart!
 ?。ò耍㏒IMPLE 簡(jiǎn)單
  The most successful recruitment companies in the world are those that are relentlessly, elegantly Simple.
  These are organisations and individuals that apply the principles above to create businesses that are Simple:streamlined and business fit, able to adapt and respond to market conditions , avoid distractions and focus on success.
  這些被成功的獵頭公司公司和從業(yè)人員應用著(zhù)的原則非常簡(jiǎn)單:菱形架構的,能隨時(shí)根據市場(chǎng)環(huán)境作出反應的,全副精力專(zhuān)注于成功 。
獵頭服務(wù)咨詢(xún)熱線(xiàn): 400-6222-973
獵頭學(xué)院 企業(yè)服務(wù)
服務(wù)流程 熱點(diǎn)職位
  • 2000年在北京注冊成立并開(kāi)展獵頭業(yè)務(wù)
  • 《中國十佳獵頭服務(wù)企業(yè)》
  • 公司主要負責人曾任多家著(zhù)名跨國公司HRD
  • 有超過(guò)百萬(wàn)份不同行業(yè)的高級人才信息
  • 有北京市頒發(fā)的《職業(yè)中介許可資格證書(shū)》
  • 獲國際獵頭協(xié)會(huì )《優(yōu)質(zhì)獵頭服務(wù)資質(zhì)證書(shū)》
  • 中國人才交流協(xié)會(huì )理事會(huì )員單位